Facebook Advertising

Facebook offers paid display advertising on a CPM (cost per thousand impressions) or PPC (pay-per-click) basis. Our ads can be targeted to a landing page on your web site, your Facebook page or they can simply be designed to generate "Likes" from the general public. How you choose to set your ads depends on your goals and Facebook strategy. It is entirely possible for a Facebook advertising campaign to utilize all three for various purposes.

Unmatched Demographic Targeting

The true value of Facebook for an advertiser is the nearly limitless combinations of targeting one can employ to target a consumer. Targeting options include geographic location, likes & Interests, education level, school attended or attending, employer, connections & more. By combining targeting options one can develop very specific and compelling ads. For example you want to market a new line of T-shirts which take advantage of sports rivalries. We would take a photo of your product, which pokes fun at the Boston Red Sox, and place it in front of New York Yankees fans. Or you have just developed a product which appeals to extreme sports enthusiasts. We can help develop ads which target fans of snowboarding, Shaun White, snowboarder magazine, Burton Snowboards, etc.

Facebook allows unimaginable focus for your advertising. Citing the extreme sports example above we not only have the ability to target fans of the above athletes, activities and brands, but we also can target current students of a particular college. Therefore it is possible to target fans of Shaun White who like Burton snowboards and currently attend the University of Vermont. We can then write an ad speaking specifically to them and perhaps include an offer code.

Facebook Advertising Strategies for Success

Targeting potential customers by similar interests or commonalities is a great way to supercharge your Facebook advertising campaign. We develop intricate advertising strategies based on extensive research to find as many commonalities as possible. We then speak directly to these smaller more focused sub categories. Layered on top is a larger net to ensure you get the most distribution possible. The results are tracked and optimized.

Who Do you Work With?

Search Marketing Group offers our Facebook Advertising services to businesses of ANY size seeking to increase the performance of their online web presence. From B-to-B or B-to-C, we have the experience, insight and capability to make your business an online benchmark in your industry at the local, national or global level.

How to Get Started....

Getting started is simple. Click Get a Quote or simply pick up the phone and call 1-888-748-1660 and speak to one of our social networking consultants. We will immediately begin an in-depth analysis of your web presence and propose a comprehensive Social Networking strategy which suits your business, goals, budget and time frame.